Located on the former seaplane base are a

PBY Catalina and four world war two ammunition bunkers.

Contact Information:


709-257-4612 Botwood Heritage Center          ​709-257-4134 Flying Boat Museum         Off Season contact: 709-257-2839 

or check us out on Facebook!

Botwood has a rich history dating back over 150 years.   From its inception as a logging town, to being a refueling base  for the giant flying boats  during their  transatlantic flights from New York to Foynes, Ireland, including becoming  a RCAF seaplane base during WWII to its use as a

seaport for the A.N.D Company and Abitibi. 

The Botwood Heritage Society  has been in existence since 1989. Since then  much as been documented and placed on display at our two museums on the former seaplane base. 

Come and visit both our museums, take a walk out to Killick Island to see one of the best views of our bay. Go for a walk on one of our four walking trails located throughout our beautiful town! 

Botwood Heritage Society